Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are very complex and multi-faceted problems. The assessment and treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and compulsive overeating require specialized knowledge of why and how these disorders develop, how they are maintained, the behavioural, physiological and psychological consequences over time, and the process of recovery. I have worked in the area of eating disorders for 25 years in specialized in-patient and out-patient treatment programs for adults, children and adolescents in major hospitals, and as a private practitioner in the community. This has allowed me to develop expertise in assessing and treating the full range of eating disorders and to have a clear understanding and deep knowledge of the process involved in the progression of the disorder and of the journey of recovery. This is extremely valuable to my clients as they cope with the fear and anxiety associated with letting go of these highly disruptive disorders.
As a therapist in private practice, I work towards developing a comprehensive team of professionals, including a physician and nutritionist to guide and monitor the healthy recovery of my clients. A number of therapeutic approaches are employed including psycho-education, cognitive-behavioural therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, and psycho-dynamic or insight-oriented therapy. My clients report that the crucial factor in their recovery has been the profound, compassionate understanding of their experience.